i Brand names beginning with lowercase followed by uppercase, retain lowercase even if they begin a sentence or heading. When possible, rephrase sentences to avoid starting with such terms.







illegal alien, alien Refer to the action, not the person. Avoid use of illegal or alien.  Use unauthorized immigrant or undocumented student/person. See bias-free language.

Illumination Night, Illumination Capitalize when referring to Oberlin’s annual Commencement/Reunion Weekend event.

impact (n.) Do not use as a verb; use affect or influence instead.

Correct: His decision had a great impact.

Incorrect: His decision impacted their lives.

imply, infer Writers or speakers imply in the words they use. A listener or reader infers something from the words.

inasmuch, insofar, insomuch


initials There is no space between them in a name: J.S. Bach.

in order to This phrase is never necessary.

Incorrect: In order to run a meeting efficiently, set an agenda.

Correct: To run a meeting efficiently, set an agenda.

in person (adv.), in-person (adj.)

Instagram A social networking service for photo and video sharing.

institutions, names of See names of institutions.