This list includes commonly used shortened versions of Oberlin names and acronyms. It is not meant to be a complete list of all Oberlin acronyms and does not include the various acronyms for student clubs and organizations.

A-House, the House, AHH: Afrikan Heritage House, also known as Lord-Saunders

AARC: Academic Advising Resource Center

AMAM, the Allen: Allen Memorial Art Museum

Arb, the: the Arboretum, Oberlin Arboretum

A&PS: Administrative and Professional Staff

CAL: Comparative American Literature

CAS: Comparative American Studies

Cat, the: Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse

CCS: Conservatory Council of Students

CIT: Center for Information Technology

CLEAR: Center for Learning, Education & Research in the Sciences

CME: Contemporary Music Ensemble

Con, the: Conservatory of Music

ConAudio: Conservatory Audio Services

ConPALs: Conservatory Peer Advising Leaders

ConPro: Conservatory Concert Production